35,000 signatures in 180 days. St. Tammany coroner recall group says no problem.

But across the metro area, recall efforts have historically had little success


Bill Taulli’s plan was to listen to a classic rock cover band at the Covington Trailhead on a balmy late spring evening. He had no intention of voicing his opposition to St. Tammany Parish’s embattled coroner, Christopher Tape.

But given the opportunity, he didn’t pass it up.

“Are you going to sign?” asked Noble-Bates Young, an organizer with the recall effort who works as a legislative aide to Sen. Patrick McMath, referring to the recall petition she and others have started against Tape. Taulli didn’t hesitate.

Taulli was among 116 people who signed the petition that Thursday evening, organizers said, many who strolled out of the Covington Beer Garden with a drink in their hand, on the way to their folding chairs for the rock show. But seeing the sign emblazoned with the words “Coroner Recall” in stark red lettering, they wandered over to the picnic table where organizers had set up and added their names to the petition seeking Tape’s ouster.

“I think it’s unconscionable that Dr. Tape is in this position,” said Barbara Hebert, 67, the former executive director at the Hope House, a nonprofit that provides services to children who were victims of abuse. She also signed.

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